The service life of EROWA chuck
The service life of EROWA chucks is a problem that customers have always been concerned about. In the course of years of development of pneumatic pull chucks and hydraulic chucks, the premise of continuous improvement is that the chuck manufacturers are The performance of the product is improved. So how to identify and recognize the card from the product's service life? Users should be careful not to buy fake and fake chuck products.
Long-life chuck products, first of all, are the improvement of chuck processing technology. Pneumatic chuck products have developed well in the past few years. Pneumatic chuck and hydraulic chuck have been developed in the series of CNC lathes. Breakthrough progress.
In machine tools, it has been more meticulously applied, but in order for mechanical products to work for a long time and efficiently, chuck products also need attention in addition to the choice of raw materials.
The improvement of the life of chuck products means that there are better requirements for chuck performance. The chuck products are very important for long-life chucks in terms of anti-rust, anti-oxidation, and particularly stable chemical properties.
The strength of the chuck product is that in this respect, it needs to be well matched with other parts and components, with high accuracy, to maintain the long-term and stable operation of the mechanical equipment. Although judging the chuck product from the perspective of life is a very important point, maintenance and maintenance The chuck is also an indispensable part of it.
High-precision chuck products, without good care, will still cause bad development in the long run. The good operation and long life of chuck products are one of the very important factors, but it is not the most important factor. Human operation and later maintenance are both very important parts.